
A Warning Against Toying With The Occult

A while back I mentioned that a psychic had informed me that I had someone very interesting behind me from the spirit world.

Naturally I was intrigued, so I was pleased to stumble across a different psychic who reckoned she could supply me with a drawing of my spirit guide. I duly coughed up the very reasonable £4.00 fee for this remarkable service and waited. The shocking outcome of all this is that I have a very well executed pencil drawing which appears to be of one of my ex-boyfriends. That said drawing has the same name and purports to be my 'soulmate' is, I need hardly day most distressing. Mr Clairwil could never be usurped in my affections.

Obviously I am the victim of some sort of prank. For a start a soulmate and a spirit guide are two entirely separate beasties. What worries me is who is responsible for this outrage? Why? I have of course submitted a stern email to them which has come back undelivered. It's as if they have vanished into thin air. The drawing itself is as I say very well done but every time I look at it I want to sleep with all it's friends and start pointless drunken fist fights. It can't be healthy.

I'm off to bed now though I doubt I shall ever sleep again.



Fat Sparrow said...

"A while back I mentioned that a psychic had informed me that I had someone very interesting behind me from the spirit world."

Maybe the psychics got confused, and the message was supposed to be that your ex-boyfriend wanted to take you from behind.

Clairwil said...

Urgh! I wouldn't put it past him.

alan said...
