
Are They All On Drugs?

That's it. That is the fucking limit. It was only a matter of time before the government sent me 100% batshit fucking doolally mental. For the love of God what is wrong with them? I'm just looking out the window and daily life is going on as normal. What's wrong? Why aren't there riots? A revolution? We are being governed by cunting robots? They must be stopped.

I was just over at Tom Tylers blog when I chanced upon this cracker from Patrica Hewitt commenting on the British sailors taken hostage in Iran;

"It was deplorable that the woman hostage should be shown smoking. This sends completely the wrong message to our young people."

It's extraordinary, almost unbelievable. A member of the British government switches on the TV to see some British sailors taken hostage by Iran and thinks 'tsk, smoking'. Exactly how much of a health Nazi does one need to be to react like that? Frankly I'm amazed she doesn't want to prosecute her for smoking in the workplace.

I despair.

Some good stuff up over at TerryWatch


iLL Man said...

I was very happy to see her smoking. She looked extremely nervous and I don't blame her in the slightest for sparking up. In that situation I'd be chaining the fuckers like no tomorrow. Hewitt needs kicked down a flight of stairs.

Katy Newton said...

That's like the urban myth about smoking on a plane - you know, the couple start kissing on a crowded plane, then they start to undress, then they have sex in full view of everyone else in Economy, all of whom pretend to be reading their papers - until the bloke lights up a post-coital cigarette, at which point at least three people tell him to put it out...