
A New Voice In Poetry!

This poem was written by a small child and published in The Guardian on Saturday. Despite it's obvious technical shortcomings I rather like it. I feel much the same at the thought of spring but don't express it with nearly half as much enthusiasm.

Hopping Spring

Hopping spring, hopping spring
Let all the bunnies bounce
The trees wailing like the sun
And the postman is mailing all the letters
Let's hop and hop like a rabbit
Let's plant some pots in the teapot
Let's enjoy the breeze as it goes past the pots
as we eat jelly tots

Written by Shereen, aged 8, from Uzbekistan, living in Orpington, Kent


iLL Man said...

I'm putting that to music and it shall be the new national anthem!


Clairwil said...

It's top form. Beats Flower of Scotland any day.

Anonymous said...

That's hysterical. Thanks for the laugh.