
The Scottish Idlers Guild

A while back a mentioned in passing that I was planning to found my own guild or association. Well now I have.

Inspired by Tom Hogkinson's two excellent books 'How to be Idle' and 'How to be Free' as well as the excellent Idler magazine, I have set up the Scottish Idler's Guild. Obviously this is all still in it's infancy, I need members, a coat of arms, a committee (with titles and stuff).

At this stage I am after active idlers if you'll forgive the oxymoron, in other words people who're willing to put a bit of hopefully enjoyable graft in to get us started. I'd like us to meet up and exchange ideas, chat about books, publish things, find painless ways to make money, make stuff and maybe even get ourselves some allotments. Just some nice gentle pursuits with a dash of freeloading and thrift chucked in.

Anyone interested can join here. It's free just now although once we're up and running we may look for a small fee to cover costs etc. All that's required is that you've read the books mentioned above, feel inspired and have ideas to contribute.



Anonymous said...

Well, I'm up for it.


slapperclairwilgoesnuts said...

Here's an interesting blog comment:


Clairwil said...

Thank-you Douglas, I'll meet you by the urinals.

Anonymous said...


You could probably piss higher than me, what with my hernia and that.

By the way, do the NHS ever get back to you, after they send you the letter saying that, if your problem has cleared up, perhaps you don't need us anymore?

Slackers? NHS bureaucrats, they'll be there. In their thousands. Or whatever.
