
Peculiar Websites


I have stumbled across this rather odd website which claims to beam your blog into space for the benefit of aliens and the like. I'm a bit sceptical I have to say but have submitted my details all the same. Go and see what you reckon to it.

I also attempted to sell my soul to this website. It was rejected twice! If Satan is reading I'm willing to negotiate.

There is also this remarkable website all about sloths (both two and three toed) and a truly awful, yet oddly fascinating American advert.

It occurs to me that I spend to much time online.


Binty McShae said...

I love the cheesy synth "William Tell Overture" that accompanies the sloth site... so wrong, yet so right!

Clairwil said...

Yes that made the site for me. I was going to mention it in the post but I think it's better as a surprise.

iLL Man said...

I like the Blog In Space thing. Technorati and Blog Explosion haven't got a chance.............