The bad news is I've not received any more of your postcard manifestos this week but the good news is I might have a couple TV celebrity manifestos lined up. I say might, what I mean is that I've written to some celebrities and asked them.
I've also stumbled across this website 43 Things which is wonderful for people like me who make lists then promptly lose them. You can also see everyone else's dreams and aspirations and see how they're progressing or pinch them. I will warn you though it is one of these sites you intend to visit for ten minutes only to realise hours have passed.
Even better is this site 52 projects. As those who know me well are only to painfully aware I am something of an 'ideas person'. I do love a daft project, in fact it occurs to me that if I'd put all my daft plans into practice I'd be an artist or something by now. Not a particularly good one or anything but I'd be happy and I think that's what's important. What I need is a practical type to assist me. A doer to my dreamer. I was chirpily telling mother about my latest project, she was very unimpressed. She got very cross and told me to spend some more time working or something equally dull.
Anyway I have had my revenge in that I have added her to the mailing list of this utterly wonderful project. Tee Hee! Imagine my delight as she is baffled by a series of peculiar postcards. I think I might also include Mr Clairwil who will at least see the funny side of it. I remember Mr Clairwil getting a very peculiar letter through the post from a 'Rubenesque' (fat) female who was 'new to the area' and wished to make him a 'sincere offer of romance and companionship'. Well as you can imagine I was fit to be tied but Mr Clairwil thought the whole incident hilarious. So I know he is not distressed by unusual mail. I never found out who was behind that 'sincere offer' but if she's reading, she can consider herself well warned.
I also found this splendid rant about The Scottish Executives latest plan to ban every conceivable form of enjoyable behaviour.
Finally I end on a worrying note. David Duff has discovered what I think might very well be the worlds most nauseating blog. I'm quite concerned by his claim that it is addictive. What next, Duff and Nonsense authored by next door's ginger tom? The mind boggles.
Oh dear. I never knew it was possible to be so smug and self satisfied. Thank god I got bored and clicked off the page before I was gripped by the same fate that seems to have befallen Mr Duff.
Hope he recovers.............
I think it might be heatstroke or something. Frankly I'm worried.
Thank you for the mention and I apologise to people trying the links to my site but "Typepad" has been playing up for the last two days.
However, I urge you all not to miss on any account Lea Darbyshire's latest post headed:
"We are legally blonde again and I am always right". Her site is:
I feel, in a very sincere and profound way, that it says so much about her.
(For goodness sake, Ill Man, pull yourself together and go back for seconds - you don't know what you are missing!)
I have just finished reading Lea's latest. The woman is beyond parody! Where did you find this blog?
Cheers David. I took your advice and I am now traumatised. I think, if anything, I preferred it when she blogged as her mutt. I literally couldn't move for about five minutes after I had stopped reading it.
A black hole of banality.
Anyway, you did recommend The Blind Winger and for that i'll let this one pass..............
I think the whole thing is hilarious! It reminds me very much of my Sian obsession. The day that moronic she beast deleted her blog a little bit of my soul died.
I think I remember reading this Darbyshire womans dribblings in a different form a few months back. It was the Lib Dem bit that rang a bell.
I just left this comment over at my place which I thought might bring a faint smile:
"However, Leah's remark to the effect that Singapore hair-dressers can be tricky reminded me of my first visit to the place when I was in the Paras and they sent us there on an exercise. A bunch of the lads went down town to get, amongst other things, a haircut. The first guy went up on the seat and had a trim, at the end of which the Chinese barber did what all Singaporean barbers do, which is to grip the customer in a headlock and twist it violently right and left to 'click' the vertabrae and provide the customer with some sort of chiropractic relief. Needless to say, the 'Tom' in question, completely misunderstanding the action, leapt out of his chair and floored the diminutive barber with one punch. Police called, general aggravation all round, eventually settled fairly amicably. Always such a splendid ambassador for their country, the average 'Tom'!
Did it not occur to anyone in the army to sit everyone down and give them a wee talk on local culture before unleashing them on defenceless hairdressers?
Leggy Lea is unbelievable. Surely to God it must be a parody. The feud is hilarious, comedy gold. I'm a bit disappointed to have come to this so late and missed the spoof site though.
To be honest David, I think my reaction in that situation would have been similar. Maybe not violence, but certainly a few choice words..........
The title "Forcefully Moderate" gave me a giggle though...........
Ye gods, are the Darbyshires still at it? I refuse to click links to them, as I got addicted last time - I'm pretty sure she has more than a few problems regarding self image.
First encountered when they syndicated themselves via the Lib Dems blog aggregator, and then decided that all Lib Dems were nasty people because they were getting anonymous comments.
The small point that anonymous commenters could be from anywhere seemed to completely escape them. They were, um, prominent supporters of that nice Mr Oaten as well. Robin used to work for him or something, such a nice man...
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