
The Clairwil Badge


Billy said...

Where can I get one?

Clairwil said...

It isn't about getting one more about earning one.

Billy said...

Like the Blue Peter badge you mean?

Anonymous said...

After Blue Peter lifted its suspension, their badge will get you into 200 attractions for free.

What will be the Clairwil badge winners' benefits?

Clairwil said...

The main benefit of the Clairwil badge is the kudos that comes from not being the sort of little sneak who would win a Blue Peter Badge. You might say the Clairwil badge is the antithesis of the Blue Peter badge.

Steve said...

Dang! I haven't been here in a while . . .

Shame on me!

Clairewil has a badge? Are we sure this isn't well Photoshopped Smartie? And if not then what do we have to do to earn one?

Also, I never won a Blue Peter badge. Although I hear you can buy them on eBay!

Clairwil said...

Not only does Clairwil have a badge, Clairwil also has a badge maker! I haven't decided how one earns a badge yet but I shall keep you posted.

Anonymous said...

I once vandalised a Blue Peter garden. Does that earn a Clairwil badge?

Clairwil said...

Don that is the very thing I want to encourage. Almost any attack on Blue Peter will earn a badge.