
All I Wanted Was An Irn Bru

I was skipping along Stockwell Street earlier today full of the joys of late summer/early autumn when I had a sudden craving for some Irn Bru. Realising I needed a few other messages I nipped over to the nearest shop; my local Tesco. Only to be thwarted. All I wanted was my messages.

This is the second time this has happened. The bloody 'Boycott Israel' folk were out protesting. Normally I'd just swan by such a minor inconvenience but I know one of them and could not be arsed having to explain myself over the whole Israel/Palestine business. He's always been pleasant to me but he was very unpleasant to a Muslim friend of mine who is rather more sympathetic to Israel than he felt she should be given her background.

I have had never had a conversation with anyone pro-Palestinian over the big ding dong without being subjected to amazing facts like Israel was founded after the second world war and then a forty minute whine about how they got the location all wrong. What is it they want me to do? Perfect the art of time travel and put it somewhere else? No. Boycott Tesco apparently. Jesus wept.

It's not that I don't feel sorry for the Palestinians. I do. Poor sods stuck behind that wall and 80% of your supporters worldwide being a shower of hectoring cunts . It can't be easy. How the Palestinians hearts must sink to the ground when they hear about all the support that's out there for them and realise it comes from the world's most po faced and argumentative dullards with wallpapering tables. Palestine -the unlucky Alf of oppressed nations.

Anyway back to me I avoided Tesco and nipped into Marks and Spencer instead. It was only when I got home I realised the coriander I'd purchased on a whim was Israeli. Had the Boycott Israel types let me into the wee Tesco I'd never have laid eyes on anything as exotic as fresh herbs. Instead I'd have got my Scottish Irn Bru, a British paper, a bottle of Chilean wine and skipped off up the road with not a penny going to Israel.

Not I hasten to add that I have the smallest intention of boycotting Israel. If I thought it would bring about a solution to the dispute I'd be manning the wallpaper table and roaring for a boycott. Sorry call me an evil zionist but I can't see the merit in economically ruining a country surrounded by nations that want to wipe it off the map for having a heavy handed and counterproductive defence policy.

I don't remember anyone calling for a mass boycott of British goods during the troubles in protest at our often disgraceful behaviour on that contested bit of land. Nor do I see any calls to boycott The Czech Republic for it's treatment of the Roma people or Saudi Arabia for their treatment of women and Shia Muslims or Sudan for their treatment of women or Afghanistan for their treatment of women or Turkey for it's corrupt police force and treatment of the Kurds or Japan for executing mentally ill criminals or Tunisia for torture or Uzbekistan for human rights abuses or Zimbabwe for everything or....well I could go on but I won't so feel free to add your own.



joe90 kane said...

Sorry call me an evil zionist but I can't see the merit in economically ruining a country surrounded by nations that want to wipe it off the map for having a heavy handed and counterproductive defence policy.
- This is Israeli propaganda. Nobody wants to wipe Israel off any map. The neighbours of Israel have been trying to make peace with it since at least the mid-late 1970s. The peace deal on offer is usually refered to as the 'International Consensus' (a phrase coined I believe by Prof Chomsky). In return for Israel abandoning its post-1967 illegal occupation and ethnic cleansing of Lebanese, Syrian and Palestinian land, all Arab states will recognise Israel and normalise relations. Israel and its supporter the SU completely reject this peace. The aggresssor is Israel not its neighbours.

And anyway, racist Israel doesn't recognise any borders especially those of its neighbours. It doesn't actually want exist on any map anyway.

The Arab States have even resorted to adverts in Israeli newspapers pleading with the Jewish-Israeli electorate to get their government to stop its illegal occupation and agression.
Arab plan explained in Hebrew ads
BBC Middle East
20 Nov 2009

Not I hasten to add that I have the smallest intention of boycotting Israel.
- The Israel Government is committing war crimes against Palestinians by illegaly occupying and ethnic cleansing the West Bank and Gaza. The British Governmemnt instead of implementing a sanctions and boycott regime against the criminal Israeli government instead supports and partcipates in its racist crimes. By boycotting Israel, the British public is only doing what our own government should be doing anyway, if it wasn't so hypocritical in its foreign policy.

Also the Palestinian victims of the racist state of Isreal are asking people to boycott their oppressors on their behalf
Global BDS Movement

This is no different from the calls made by South Africans to boycott their own apartheid government and with the same ends - to bring about peaceful change and an end to a brutal racist regime.

all the best

Solidarity with your tribulations on trying to get hold of some irn bru there Clairwill -
- but what a pity hundreds of thousands of bairns are being boycotted by Israel and the West and starved to death in Gaza, deliberately deprived of medicine and other luxuries such as drinakable water all because their parents voted for the wrong people in free and fair elections ie Hamas.

Say what you want about Nazi Germany, but at least busy German shoppers didn't have to put up with having to negotiate protesters objecting to the Nazi boycotts of Warsaw and Lodz Ghetto -
Photograph Comparisons Between Zionist and Nazi Murderers
Tony Greenstein's Blog
19 Jan 2009

David O'Keefe said...

Joe is right, those Arab states couldn't wipe their arses. They don't have the best interests of the Palestinians at heart.

Another thing, I look forward to a boycott of Afghanistan by our heroin addicts. Did you boycott South African goods?

David O'Keefe said...

Joe is right, those Arab states couldn't wipe their arses. They don't have the best interests of the Palestinians at heart.

Another thing, I look forward to a boycott of Afghanistan by our heroin addicts. Did you boycott South African goods?

flyingrodent said...

Well, I think that puts the idea that Palestinian solidarity activists are po-faced, hectoring bores to bed, Clairwil. I bet you're embarrassed now.

Clairwil said...

See above

See above

Flying Rodent,
Tee hee!

Clairwil said...

@Flying Rodent,
I didn't mean to sound like Michael Jackson. Sorry. Your comment was indeed very funny.

eeore said...

Sorry to be a pedant but surely the Palestians are not trapped behind a wall - they are rather trapped in the outside world.

But on a serious note - tsk tsk buying Chilean wine.

But lucky for you that you didn't but sugared Scottish water - don't you know that the Scots are a nation of terrorist sympathisers?