
O Internet I Have Missed You!

These last two weeks without my pc following a hard drive catastrophe have been trying to say the least. It doesn't help when people keep telling you to look stuff up on the internet then get all huffy when you respond through clenched teeth. Honestly I think I'd find giving up smoking easier.

On the plus side it has freed me up to a bit more reading than usual and of course a jolly spot of gardening. Other than that there is no plus side.

In other news I'm settling into my new job nicely and have been praised for 'exceeding expectations'. Whilst it's nice to be praised , I fear the job is too easy for me. Still it pays reasonably well and is secure for a couple of years, which gives me time to plan my next move. My plans for self employment are on hold for the time being as I'm reluctant to spend too much with things being as they are at the moment.

Anyway the computer seems to be back to it's old self again. So expect more blogging and bitching as per usual.



Anonymous said...

Oh Ms Clairwil
We have missed you.

Clairwil said...

Cheers Anon, I promise not to leave you so long again.

joe90 kane said...

Glad to have you back Clairwill!

Anonymous said...

Oh goody, I can look forward to a Glasgow kiss again!