
Oh God The Poor Bloody Idiots

There's nothing to make me feel like I'm back at work than idiots and their antics. Firstly I learned something on the Jeremy Kyle Show this morning. Seriously. For the past six months or so I'd been amazed by the number of folk with grown up sons who refuse to sign on. It baffled me because all the fellows involved were heavy drinkers or drug users so one would have thought they'd have been desperate for money but instead they point blank refuse to claim a penny in benefits.

At last, thanks to the show of shame I know why and curse myself for being silly enough to have missed it. According to some pitiful family or other the boys don't want to sign on because they'll be sent on courses. I refrain from making further comment except to suggest that their mothers stop subsidising them just see what happens.

Moving on I see some unfortunate child has been killed by a rottweiler. Exactly how stupid does one need to be to have a dangerous dog in the house with small children? I merely ask because I've thought it through backwards and forwards and can't actually think up a decent reason.

It all rather reminds me of the moment my cousin realised social work was the wrong career. She'd been trying to reunite some moron and their poor toddler, it was all going swimmingly until mummy on the eve of the reunion purchased herself a pit bull and a persian cat claiming she was lonely. Apart from the obvious cruelty to the animals -neither being designed to live in a high rise, where do you start. I mean really.

Anyway to return to the story at hand poor Archie-Lee was killed by his grannies rottweiler despite the heroic efforts of his aunties (aged 16 and 7) to save him. I keep saying I'm far too selfish and irresponsible to have children but one wonders. Why on earth would anyone leave a child in a house with a dangerous animal? Totally fucking idiocy is my best guess.

I mean most parents are neurotic oafs about animals. My nieces killjoy bastard parents have barred the most beautiful white cat by the name of Ricksen from their house in case it upsets baby. It doesn't, I lured him in while they were out and all was well. Though my mummy was outraged! Before you all start I could take a cat out easily, murder dogs I'm less sure of.

Look at the bad press the McCanns have had for the admittedly stupid act of leaving their kids for a few hours in an unlocked apartment. Yet the idiots who left this child in a house with a dangerous dog have barely been mentioned. It's a rum old world.

Here are mum and dad's tribute sites. Read them, despair and pray the infertility fairy strikes.


Anonymous said...

"At last, thanks to the show of shame I know why and curse myself for being silly enough to have missed it. According to some pitiful family or other the boys don't want to sign on because they'll be sent on courses. I refrain from making further comment except to suggest that their mothers stop subsidising them just see what happens."

I remember years ago old codgers would bang on about how the ending of National Service had been the undoing of the nation. I thought they were old grumps talking shite, now I am not so certain.

BenefitScroungingScum said...

Ugh, where to start with all that lot! Still, perhaps you could um, liberate Ricksen to your flat? I know you think it might be cruel to keep a cat indoors, but I can assure you my cat thinks it very cruel any time I try to get her to go outdoors! Happy New Year BTW! Cheerful isn't it!

Changing the subject, can I nominate the post I've just written for your forthcoming britblogs?
Ta muchly! BG x

Anonymous said...

Dear Madam,
I am writing to you in my capacity as Founder, President for Life and, as it happens, sole member of S.H.I.T.S. (the "Smash 'Hi' In To Smithereens" society). Bit of a stretch, that title, but it was the best our marketing manager, er, me, could come up with. Anyway, it has come to my attention that you resolutely refuse to start your posts with the ghastly Americanism, "Hi!", and instead stick to the very British, and therefore thoroughly decent, "Hello". Keep this up for a year and you could be the recipient of the S.H.I.T.S. annual award - don't ask!

Clairwil said...

I know how you feel. As long as there were non-military alternatives available I think I'd back it.

I'd love to have Ricksen the cat to stay but would her survive the journey?

Of course you can nominate your post, I wish the rest of my readers would join you. It's not that I'm short of nominations but we all get sick of the same old names.

I strive to avoid Americanisms and am always glad to accept an award but the name could do with a change.