This is not a question I'd ever imagined myself asking, in fact it's the sort of thing I sneer at people for all the time. Oh dear this is embarrassing. Anyway can anyone recommend a good financial advisor / mortgage broker? I only ask because I have seen the most marvellous flat at £130,000 which is just a wee bit out my league. Nevertheless I'm determined to have it. It has a terrace! A terrace for Gods sake!
Alternatively if there are any financial wizards reading this who think they might be able to obtain a whopping great mortgage for me and find some maniac willing to consolidate my vast credit card bills I'd be delighted to hear from you. Similarly if anyone reading this has £130,000 spare that they could lend me for say 30 years get in touch.
I have never wanted anything more in my entire life (the occasional chap excepted). It's so frustrating, £130,000 is such a small amount in the grand scheme of things. Small change to all sorts of rich people, like Prince Charles for example. I'm no fan of the monarchy, though I'd be more than happy to change my mind for £130,000. In fact I'd be happy to suddenly realise I admire all sorts of people if any unpopular celebrities fancy buying me flat.
Ah well there's always scratchcards.......
Ever thought of turning to crime? I hear it pays well.
Other than that, I've nothing to offer.
The great thing about crime is that, if you do get caught, you get free boarding as punishment. Health suites are also available.
Does the state pay your mortgage when you're in the nick?
"Does the state pay your mortgage when you're in the nick?"
Hmm... I doubt it somehow!
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