
God Hates and Hates and Hates.............

Let me preface the following by stating that I love a good protest. Let's gang up and hurl shoes at the prime minister -wooohooo! Let's go round to Roy's house and call his cat an imperialist- yipeee! Let's denounce a bowling ball -hurrah and down with balls. In short you can't whack an argument that takes to streets. Apart from riots. I do not approve of riots, they are unruly, violent and almost without exception devoid of humour. You never see anyone laughing during one, it's all everyone hates me, let's firebomb a small business.

However I frown the deepest of frowns at the recent protests at military funerals in America. There are of course numerous reasons one could stage a protest at a military funeral assuming one was ill mannered and thoroughly evil enough to do such a thing. You might be a hardcore pacifist or against a particular war, that sort of thing. Or alternatively you might take the view that fighting in the American army is fighting for tolerance of homosexuality. Though you'd be a nutter if you did. That's like calling someone a racist for wearing shoes. The two things have nothing to do with each other.

Not being a parent I can only imagine how terrible it must be to bury your child. I can only asume that it must be a million times worse when your child has died a bloody, horrible violent death. It's one of these things it's hard to find the words for. However I cannot even begin to imagine the total fury the families of dead U.S serviceman who have had their funerals disrupted by these alleged Christian protesters must feel. As far as I'm aware there has not been any violent response from any of the military families who in turning the other cheek have shown more Christianity than the protesting scumbags. They've certainly had plenty provocation in the form of the protesters placards; 'Thank God for Dead Soldiers' and 'God Hates Cripple Soldiers'. Surely no sentient jury would convict if they opened fire on these morons.

There is of course the free speech argument and I do not dispute the protesters right to be virulently anti-homosexual loons. Not even in public with placards and everything. That is because I am not a mentalist. However all families have the right to mourn their dead and I mean that down to the last unsympathetic character you may wish to name-no exceptions. There is nothing to stop protesters timing their protests to coincide with military funerals but holding them away from the venue of the funeral, banning them from funeral venue does not infringe their right to be loathsome. Given that the dead soldiers these maniacs are so busy denouncing would have fought to the death defending them if the order came, allowing them a decent burial is the least they could do to reciprocate.

Bizarrely, considering their lunatic agenda they also disrupted the funeral of Matthew Shephard, a gay man who was beaten to death. I'd have thought the violent death of a homosexual would have been cause for celebration on their part or are they seriously asserting that gays should be denied funerals. The mind boggles.



Larry Teabag said...

Yup, you don't get many bastards more insane or hateful than Fred Phelps.

He's been at this funeral-protesting game for a while now, and I'm reminded of a hilarious mix-up which happened when the world's least intelligent Islamophobe spotted him up to his old tricks, and jumped to all the wrong conclusions...

Clairwil said...

Oh my God! Our Islamophobe friend is indeed an utter tool. I note from his sidebar that he appears to be claiming some sort of connection to Scotland. On behalf of the Scottish people I'd like to make clear that this loon has nothing to do with us.

Moving on why does he equate Democrat with left wing, when they have about as much to do with left wing politics as Margaret Thatcher?

iLL Man said...

Can someone please illuminate me as to the origins of the term 'Moonbat'

Is that the best they can manage? It's like being insulted by a six year old.

Larry Teabag said...

It's all right, he's not a Scot he's an American living somewhere in Britain, possibly Scotland.

>Moving on why does he equate Democrat with left wing...

Because he equates everyone he hates with left-wing. Don't forget we're talking about someone so incredibly right-wing here that from where he stands Fred Phelps looks left-wing.

I dunno where 'moonbat' comes from, but I do know that it's the opposite of 'wingnut'.

Clairwil said...

It's my ambition to be called a moonbat by an angry American. Oddly enough I was telling my mother about moonbats the other day, she too was tickled by the idea. As often happens in my family the conversation got totally out of hand and we discussed founding a moonbat based religion, selling a range of moonbat merchandise and standing for election as moonbats.There's just something about the word moonbat- the more I say it the funnier it gets.

Anonymous said...

that's hilarious! I read about the Phelps controversy in the Guardian though. Can't believe those idiots still carry it on.

Billy said...

If you really want to be scared, read Fred Phelps' wikipedia entry. I've just been reading and I'm still shaking...

Clairwil said...

Oh my God!
The wikipedia entry is just chilling. How can one human being be so uniformly hateful and obnoxious? A man entirely without redeeming features. I too am shaking Billy.
