
An Amusing Thing

Just a brief post. I am, believe it or not about to head off to a child's birthday party. Well I say child -do teenagers still count as children? I'm never quite sure. Buying the gift was something of an ordeal. What are the kids into these days? In my day it was all drugs, cider and fellatio but they're quite a conservative bunch these days. In the end I plumped for a handbag, purse, sweets and an umbrella. I'm normally quite good at gifts but this one had me stumped. Still if she doesn't like it I shall pass it of as a punishment for lecturing me about my beloved fags. Fucking upstart!

Anyway the above wasn't the amusing thing promised in the title. I am referring to this rather wonderful post concerning the celebrity opening of a refurbished Co-op in a small market town.
Do have a read.


iLL Man said...

We need to lure Cheggers over to our blogs. Hey! Wait a minute.........

He knows Noel Edmonds, right?

Jen said...

Hello and thanks for the pimping.

I must say, the best thing about this Cheggers hoo-hah is discovering so many new blogs to become addicted to.

I'll be back.

Clairwil said...

My God now I have a friend of Cheggers on my blog! This is too much joy.