

It's not a habit I'm proud of but I do enjoy a good eavesdrop so when I overheard a Labour activist by the name of Frank chatting to an accquitance about the campaign I couldn't help but take an active interest.

Could Frank be the most sensible man in the Labour Party? I merely ask because his opinion of the current state of the party seems to chime with my own -well up to a point.

He thinks very highly of Margaret Curran, I am somewhat less impressed though I'd wholeheartedly agree with his view that she should have been first choice rather than fourth or fifth. She is without doubt the best of a pretty poor bunch.

Poor Frank like me is at a loss as to who the new leader in the Scottish Parliament should be. With Margaret Curran out the running he's not too impressed with the remaining candidates. He reckons Andy Kerr will get it despite being 'another mamby-pamby'.

I doubt he'd endorse my wholehearted support of Charlie Gordon for the job. I somehow can't see a staunch Labour man finding an even bigger laughing stock in charge as funny as I do.



Anonymous said...

Check out the Total Plitics website - you are listed as a Labour blog.



Just thought you'd like to know!

Clairwil said...

Ha! That's hilarious! Labour????
Whatever gave them that idea.