

I feel compelled to post this evening for some reason but have little to post about. Isn't it annoying when that happens? Or am I the only one afflicted in this way?

I had rather a pleasant morning in the newly re-opened Queen Park on Saturday which had been closed for a few weeks after the murder of Moira Jones. Naturally I have been treating the well intentioned but irritating suggestion that I should stay away from the park until the murderer is caught with the contempt it deserved. After all I haven't done anything wrong. Quite apart from anything else it's important not to show any fear in the aftermath of such attacks -it only gives the murderer a thrill. I also wanted to take the ducks and moorhens a treat. Though it would appear that every toddler in the south side had the same idea . Between my fruit muffins and the toddler army's stale bread it's a miracle none of the birds sank. My good friends the pigeons did quite well too including one magnificent wood pigeon who I ensured got a few choice bits of cake.

I'm also pleased to report a a small triumph in that I've now had my first etsy sale. I should add that this isn't the business I've been working on all these months it's just a small hobby/sideline to keep me out of mischief. In truth I find it rather soothing -it seems to tickle the happy bit of my brain.

At long last my evening class comes to an end this week -not that I haven't enjoyed it but it's a bit of bind racing into town to attend straight from work, plus they make you take your shoes off which is a practice I really don't approve of. I hate seeing a man in his stockinged feet I don't know why but it gives me the creeps. Either wear shoes or go barefoot -that's my motto.

I'm less happy to report that I have an absurd amount of meetings to attend this week. I cannot abide meetings. When I'm in charge they will be banned. As skives go there's no pleasure in them. Everyone with something worth hearing to say speaks for about a minute then the blowhards take over for hours at a time.

Right that's it, Derren Brown's on so I'm off to marvel.



Ewen Nicolson said...

Were his feet ok? I was half watching and pottering about in the kitchen, so I missed that bit.

Good to hear everything's on track.

Clairwil said...

The phone went and I got distracted but I expect they were fine.