
Oh ha ha ha! This really is the limit!

After my last post I went to have another look at the Sunday Herald article about Wendy's dodgy dealings and came across this gem;

'A couple of small, but I think, very telling points that may have been missed in all the fuss. When Charlie Gordon resigned Tom McCabe told reporters that Wendy Alexander was too "upset" to talk to the media. Throughout this mess Wendy has been (and is still) saying that it would not be appropriate for her to answer questions, but she's had her spokesmen speaking on her behalf!

Labour supporters - this is the person that you are saying is fit to be your leader and fit for high office in Scotland, what kind of leader could be "too upset" to speak during a time of crisis? What kind of leader hides behind waffle and lets others take the heat in the glare of publicity? Is this really the best you can do?'

Isn't that the funniest thing you've ever heard! Someone who aspires to high political office hiding in the house like a whiny wee girl because everything has gone tits up. It couldn't be any more embarrassing if she'd complained about period pains. Thank Christ she isn't in charge of anything important. Could you imagine the uproar if a male politician in a similar fix said they couldn't come out because they were 'too upset'? If that is typical of the the sort of woman active in the Labour party it's no wonder they need to be put on special lists to be selected as candidates.


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