I'm sure most, if not all of you are familiar with Tim Worstall and his weekly Britblog Round Up. If you're not then I hold you responsible for his decision to give it up. Shame on you all.
Still every could has a silver lining or so 'they' tell us. I have no idea who 'they' are but I wish they'd stop resorting to cliche all the time. It's awfully predictable. However in this case it's true and it gives me great pleasure to announce that I will be taking over the roundup on an occasional basis alongside a number of other top notch bloggers. I would name them but I've only got the names and haven't been able to match all of them up to their respective blogs yet. I'll be popping up a link to the round up every Sunday anyway to let everyone know where it is. What I can tell you is that at the moment it looks like I'll be doing the 25th March.
Note to self: Must try and write something slightly interesting on blog, week ended 25th March. Will continue with normal worthless crap and demos of songs etc until then.
Now now you have a fine blog there. I shall of course be taking a professional interest in it, now I have been given this great responsibility.
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