
Is David Duff Taking Over The Internet?


As I mentioned yesterday I have added lots of exciting new links to my sidebar for you to marvel at. However I have noticed something very odd on my travels, this David Duff fellow seems to be everywhere. I don't mind or anything, frankly if it prevents him actually reading the Daily Mail he buys but only glances at for Mrs Duff or the 'little memsahib' as he calls her, it can only be a good thing.

More worrying still, there is a fake David Duff, doing the rounds, maybe more than one. The whole thing is vaguely sinister. The real David Duff or someone purporting to be the real David Duff seems to make lots of bloggers very angry, very angry indeed.

Maybe, there is no such thing as David Duff. Maybe there's a team behind the 'Duff Phenomenon'. I'm a bit new to all this Duff business as I'm sure you can tell, so I'd be grateful if anyone could enlighten me on the following questions. Does he actually mean all that micks, pakis and wogs stuff or is it a big daft ironic laugh? Has anyone ever seen this Duff fellow in real life? Are there a team of shadowy figures behind David Duff? What in the name of God is going on?

I merely require information.



iLL Man said...

I see he's up for a prize at "I Hope You Get Cancer". He does seem a tad ubiquitous. His own blog is terrifyingly bad.

Clairwil said...

Yes, I noticed the 'prize' thing at 'I hope You Get Cancer'. I voted for Sir Ian Blair.

Anonymous said...

Greetings, 'clairwil', from the 'real' David Duff who is easily recognised from imposters by his innate and ineffable charm, grace, good manners, wit and intelligence. As to what I look like, that is best left to the imagination, although I can safely tell you that the 'little Memsahib' thinks I'm gorgeous, er, not that she has actually said so, but then again I don't encourage her to say too much other than the essentials, such as, 'dinner is ready', 'shall I clean the car?' and that sort of thing.

Your failure to vote for me has been noted and that will result in several visits from me over the coming months. As for 'ill man' above, he obviously wouldn't recognise a brilliant blog if it bit him in the arse!

However, now is not the time for ill-will - we have the rest of the year for that! I see you are based in a far flung (but in some respects, not far enough!) outpost of the empire, so let me wish you a happy hogmanay and trust that you will take it easy on the camomile tea tomorrow night.

Anonymous said...

What larks. I'd never heard of Mr Duff before. He's funny.

Happy new year to you.


Clairwil said...

And a Happy New Year to you and your toaster Mr Pond, it's good to have you blogging again.

Mr Duff, I will take you at your word, that you are indeed the real David Duff. It's all very confusing. One minute I'm over at Tampon Teabag thinking 'Good God, Mr and Mrs Duff are the bouble of Boycie and Marlene' then I find I've been tricked.